Wednesday 21 October 2020:
ISO 26000 is adopted as European standard within CEN as: EN ISO 26000:2020.
At 21 October the stakeholder consultation process in the European Committee for Standardization CEN decided that ISO 26000 is approved as a CEN-standard.
This means that all CEN members (27 EU member states and Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, United Kingdom, North Macedonia, Turkey, Serbia) have to …
Implement CEN/ISO 26000 as a national standard and cancel all similar national standards.
Note. “Implement” in tis context basically means to translate, adopt as national standard and make available. It does not mean that all organizations/companies must use the standard.
All standards are voluntary until required by law or agreement.
The latest date by which the CEN/ISO 26000 has to be ‘implemented’ at national level by publication of an identical national standard or by endorsement is 30 April 2021.
More information at:
PS. A final ‘thank you’ to ISO Italy (UNI and Elena Mocchio, who initiated this all).