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On Dec. 7th, 2022, the ISO 26000 on-line Global Conference was held

An exciting and inspiring on-line ISO 26000 Global Forum was held on Wednesday 7th December 2022.

With contributions from:

  • Ulrika Edholm (Sweden) as Moderator
  • Fang Gang (China) as C-Moderator
  • Martin Neureiter (Austria): Opening Speech
  • Keynote speeches The future of ISO 26000: Staffan Söderberg (Sweden) and Thomas Thomas (Singapore)
  • and … presentations from 14 experts

Download the presentations

Download the Conference Agenda and Speaker Profiles

Keynote Speeches: Country level applications of ISO 26000:

Noerman Suharman (Indonesia): ISO 26000 in Indonesia

Xinyuan Lu (China): Development and Implementation of ISO 26000 in China

Kernaghan Webb (Canada): A Canadian Perspective on ISO 26000 and the Law

Zoriada Chong (Panama): A multifaceted experience on training in Panama

Industry business application of ISO 26000

Hans Kröder (The Netherlands): ISO 26000 application in SMEs

Hitoshi Suzuki (Japan): ISO26000 in the business and other arena

Betina Del Valle Azugna (Argentina): Using the ISO 26000 as a guide for our sustainability in Sancor Seguros

ISO 26000 in non-business organizations

Aleš Kranjc Kušlan: Implementing ISO 26000 in Certificate Socially Responsible Employer

Li Li (China): Introduction of ISO 26000 application in Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics

Yoshiteru Horie (Japan): ISO 26000 application to NGOs in Japan

ISO 26000 Knowledge and Tools Exhibition in the world

Ken-ichi Kumagai (Japan): Publications activities on ISO 26000 in Japan

Martin Neureiter(Austria): Resilisense Building based on ISO 26000

Osama Elmeligy (Egypt): Communication and outreach tools and technologies for ISO 26000